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Sam Christian:

Thank God I'm Not A Republican. When Evil Struck The Twin Brothers 

Two poetry books in one, he first of which comprising Part I of the combined book is a mock epic entitled, "Thank God I’m not a Republican," on the sex scandal of Bill Clinton. As for Part II, which comprises Book II of the combined book, it is entitled, "When Evil Struck the Twin Brothers," the title of which speaks for itself and portrays a human belief and feeling regarding  the senseless conspiracy and attack on the the Twin Towers of the WTC and its consequences.

ISBN: 9781595691569

 (US);  Barnes&Noble (US); Borders (US);  Amazon.co.uk  (UK);   
Bookstore.co.uk (UK);   Buecher.de  (Germany);  Amazon.de (Germany);  
Amazon.fr (France);   Amazon.jp (Japan);   Amazon.ca (Canada); 
 Fishpond.com.au (Australia);  BEST DEAL: PBSHOPUS (US)

Joseph: From Victim of Jealousy to King of Upper Egypt  

The Story of Joseph, known to all believers of the three divine religions, is presented in this book in a dramatic form and a film script, based on its presentation in the Muslim Holy Book, the Quran, which confirms Biblical presentations. The story itself is an embodiment of human weaknesses such as jealousy, hatred, pride, passion, deception, intrigue, cruelty, and terror, which were vanquished and defeated by honourable qualities such as patience, loyalty, bravery, nobility, and compassion, and above all, faith which eventually lead Joseph to kingship, as ordained by the Divine Will which shall always remain Triumphant and Supreme!

ISBN: 9781595691682

 (US);  Barnes&Noble (US); Borders (US);  Amazon.co.uk  (UK);   
Bookstore.co.uk (UK);   Buecher.de  (Germany);  Amazon.de (Germany);  
Amazon.fr (France);   Amazon.jp (Japan);   Amazon.ca (Canada); 
 Booktopia (Australia);  BEST DEAL: THEBOOKDEPOSITORY (US / UK)